Sell Without Selling Podcast

Episode #139
Accountable For Success
On this solo episode, Stacey is talking about accountability, how it ties in to your overall performance, and how consistency in those avenues lead to success.
Key takeaways:
- Accountability has to start with yourself.
- Establish key performance indicators.
- Track your actions and then optimize.
“One of the most important aspects of success is being accountable for our failures.” -Stacey O’Byrne
(First ~2 mins)
Hey. Welcome back to another episode of Sell Without Selling. I am your host, Stacey O’Byrne and I believe that learning the art and the science of how to sell without selling is the only way to achieve high six and seven figure success.
I am really excited to get into today’s episode. Really quick, if you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or sales professional, and you haven’t hit the level of success that you wanted or needed, or if you’re stuck and needing a pivot in your business, in your success – or maybe you just want more, and you understand the importance of having a coach to help identify the blind spots, increase accountability, and help with success strategies to take you, your business, your income, and your success to the next level – if this sounds like something for you, then head over to pivotpointadvantage.com/IWantSuccess. There’s a quick application there that will lead to a personal phone call with me to see if we’re a great fit for each other. Alright let’s do this.
On our journey of being self-employed or an entrepreneur or corporate-preneur or sales professional – however you label yourself – whatever you consider yourself. One of the most important things is for us to be accountable for our successes, for us to accept responsibility for all of our actions, good and bad, and all of our results, or lack thereof, good and bad.
You know, one of my favorite quotes by Jim Rohn is, “You will suffer one of two pains. The pain of discipline, or the pain of regret. The difference is that the pain of discipline weighs ounces, while the pain of regret weighs tons.” This quote has been with me for decades. When I sit back and really think about it, when I play full out, when I put my heart to everything I do, I give it 100%. I learned a long time ago that there’s no such thing as perfection. If we pursue perfection then we’re pursuing a fairy tale. However, if we allow ourselves to show up the best version of ourselves every second of every minute of every hour of every day, then striving for that 100%, delivering that 100% and staying accountable to every one of those actions creates the inevitable path of success, as long as we know what direction we’re going and we’re going in the right direction. So calibration is extremely important during your journey of success.