Sell Without Selling Podcast

Episode #120
Heart-Centered Financial Fitness With Dawna Campbell
On this episode:
Stacey is joined by Dawna Campbell for a discussion on physical, spiritual, and financial fitness.
Key Takeaways:
- Your presence is projected before you enter any engagement.
- Your unconscious mind is your operating system.
- Fear is a mask that can be removed.
Known as the Mind Whisperer, Dawna combines her past knowledge, wisdom, and experience to assist you in creating and restoring a life of happiness, prosperity, and love. Dawna has over 25 years combined years of professional experience. As a former Financial Advisor,
her book, Financially Fit, is a #1 Amazon International Best Seller bringing together the world of money and the energy body, and the souls essence. She is a professional speaker sharing her techniques during interactive workshops and maintains an international private practice. Dawna has shared the stage with Lisa Nichols, Dr. Joe Vitale, Sharon Lechter, and Kevin Harrington. Her personal Heart Centered Healing philosophy is to create a world that is a better place for all to live. www.dawnacampbell.com
“I always had this energetic and spiritual connection in me.” -Dawna Campbell
(First ~2 mins)
Hey, this is Dawna Campbell, and if you want to learn the six and seven figure science to success, significantly increase your revenue, and learn how to successfully build professional relationships, you should be listening to the Sell Without Selling Podcast with my good friend, Stacey O’Byrne.
Hey. Welcome back to another episode of Sell Without Selling. I am your host, Stacey O’Byrne and I believe that learning the art and the science of how to sell without selling is the only way to achieve high six and seven figure success.
[Intro for Guest]
I absolutely adore everything that I have learned about this woman. I believe that learning the art and the science of how to sell without selling is the only way to achieve high six and seven figure success. I am really excited for you to hear my conversation with Dawna. Really quick, if you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or sales professional, and you haven’t hit the level of success that you wanted or needed, or if you’re stuck and needing a pivot in your business – in your success, or maybe you just want more, and you understand the importance of having a coach to help identify the blind spots, increase accountability, and help with success strategies to take you, your business, your income, and your success to the next level – if this sounds like something for you, then head over to pivotpointadvantage.com/IWantSuccess. There’s a quick application there that will lead to a personal phone call with me to see if we’re a great fit for each other.
Stacey: Okay. Let’s do this. Dawna, welcome.
Dawna: Thank you so much for having me here at Pivot Point Advantage, and with you Stacey. I am so excited.
Stacey: Dawna, I am too. You know you and I share a lot in common for a multitude of reasons. One of the most foundational reasons that really connected me to you was one of the shear philosophies of Sell Without Selling. You have to do the inner work for the outer to ever work. And you have this joy, this prosperity, this whole heart centered focus that you do is really connected me to you. Now, our journeys are similar, yet very very different. I found myself in a situation with a man that I was supposed to trust, also known as my father, being continually his punching bag my entire life. I learned that there were similarities in your and my presence, except yours, I believe wasn’t your father. So what I would like to do is I’d really like to start with our listeners really getting to know you, really understanding where you were at and how you got to where you are today, because reality is this. Life is very simplistic. Life starts with an L. We call it living. It’s got the IF in between, and it then it’s got the E at the end. It’s that IF in between that either make or break people.