I’d like for you to take a look at your business right now. Evaluate where you’re at. Sit back and start really looking at things. What’s working and what’s not working? What have you done and what haven’t you done? When you started your business, did you craft an action plan? Have you followed through?
What have you done to really embrace your business, work your business, and step into your business? I’m talking goals, sales, marketing… all of it.
Summer Siesta and Holiday Hibernation
There are two times a year that I’ve lovingly termed Summer Siesta and Holiday Hibernation, where many people will take their foot off the gas pedal in their business. We focus most of the year on sales. Why? Because what helps us as solopreneurs and small business owners is money. One of the biggest things I continually hear is that the lack, want, or need for most is revenue generation.
It takes three to four months to generate a pipeline and start creating activity. When we take our foot off the gas for Summer Siesta or Holiday Hibernation, that’s two or three months we’re losing. Then it takes another three or four to ramp that pipeline back up. So in total we’re really losing more like five to six months of momentum in our business. So many people forget about that phase where we ramp back up. It’s not just two months.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge proponent of balance, I’m a huge proponent of vacation and relaxation. But if you’re in a situation where you want/need more sales and revenue, where you’re lacking in time and money, I’d really consider your efforts during the typical Summer Siesta or Holiday Hibernation.
I’d like for you to reevaluate and consider ramping up your marketing efforts in these times that are typically slow. Just imagine if you can duplicate your efforts and really focus in on what it is you’re doing during the time when your competition is slowing down, what type of impact will that have for you? If everyone else is slowing down during the Summer Siesta or Holiday Hibernation and you’re ramping up, you’re WAY ahead of the curve.
My Formula for Business Success
I want to share with you a formula that I created a while back that I live both my life and my business by. Take a look at it and roll it into your business, too. It will help you to ramp up your business while everyone else is slowing down.
My formula for business is S³=ExA. No, we’re not doing algebra or trig or anything like that. This is simply my formula for success. Let me break it down for you:
S³ – This is success cubed. How do I define success? My definition of success is the impact I make, the inspiration I deliver, and the income enjoyed by all. Impact, inspiration, and income, that is S³.
E – This is exposure. It’s simple math. You have to know the numbers of your business. If you treat it like a business, it will pay you like a business. If you treat it like a hobby, it will cost you like a hobby. Think about how many times a day, month, week, or year you want to be seen and heard. Positioning yourself as an expert exposes you over and over again to your target market.
A – This is authenticity. Remember, your target market is going to connect with YOU. Take your mask off. People who are going to connect with you are going to connect with you. Not everyone will connect with you and that is fine. Don’t change who you are or your values so that others will connect with you. That’s not authentic and that won’t go well.
Write down that success formula. Consider what your S³ is. Look at the numbers in your business. Consider the authentic you. Break it all down for your business. Then, use this formula to ramp up your business while everyone else slows down.